Big Art Show in New Bedford.
Well, here we are at the fall art show. Never known to be one of the better ones. We always do this show, as the people who come are scoping out what they will return for at the Christmas show. Pretty funny actually. Jokes on them...Me and Karen wont be in that show...we will have a sign on the door and in the hallway telling of the date of our own show. I will have to email friends and family abt it as well. Kind of a private show. It was freezing at the show today. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. She cant be in it as she has to go to NY. I hate doing a show on Thanks Giving weekend....Its so BAD of a day. Everyone goes to the mall and real stores as they want the sales.....not to art studios. I totally agree with my studio mate Karen. gonna go sti on my ass for a while. Lisa